tijuana.gringo   diary.a.blog.calendar : previous diaryablog : next diaryablog
24 moon 54 winter
48th year of the spaceage
13 FEBRUero 2004

yesterday around town with Tere, ending with refriedgringo.com David
and then we walked all over today, too

Teotihuacan, cont.

A cinquenta kilómetros al noreste de la ciudad de México... levántarse aún las pirámides... Son los monumentos principales de las ruinas las dos pirámides, el Tonatiuhzacualli, que estaba dedicada al sol, y el Meztlizacualli, á la luna. Forty miles northeast of Mexico City... the pyramids still rise up... The principal monuments of the ruins are the two pyramids, one called Tonatiuhzacualli, which was dedicated to the sun, and the Meztlizacualli, for the moon.

----------Mexico á través los siglos (1884-1889), pg 398, cap iv, libro tercero, tomo primero

La ciudad misma muestra zonas bastante distintas... la antecesora directa de nuestras plazas con la combinación iglesia-palace and plaza-mercado.

The city itself manifests very different zones... the direct ancesotr of our plazas with their combination of church and palace, and the plaza market.

------------Historia de México (1988?), Salvat Mexicana de Edición, pg 267, tomo II.

what day is today... friday. night before last after I got home sat around not quite believing she was here until she finally called on Ramón's telephone and he was nice enough to come out and get me even though it was after ten p.m. Maybe I better take back all the mean things and names he calls me heh heh heh.... God but we love to fight two eagles battling on the border sky

well so she called and we went out for breakfast yesterday she got there late of course well what do you expect what do I expect her first morning in town waking up sleeping on the floor in her ex-roomates' apartment (No, she is not sleeping in Mike's house, and maybe, maybe she will in mine, soon... stay tuned for another week or two oh YES THAT IS HER STORY I SCRIBBLED last night ON THE RIGHT COLUMN THERE while we ate tacos in Tacos Franc on Sanchez Taboada after we had gone to the CECUT to see another Tere and the larva art show mmmm ask Pepe what he thinks about it except he says that is Offf Theeeee Recorddddd

I stood outside the store waiting for her yesterday morning and of course I wrote and wrote and wrote and wrote....

the Santa Ana breezes threatened warmth but actually blew cool - it was the sun that heated the afternoon while airplanes took off backwards, i.e. landing from the west, circling lazily over the town like big fat airships descending into the breeze, bending toward Otay, carefully carefully edging toward the border but watch out nervous antiterror border forces might lash out with surface to air pocketrockets and WHAM no no no that will NOT happen... but the planes crawled across downtown all day long, drifting down down down almost silently, instead of thundering away in racing noise up up up up

One of the shoeshine stands on the corner of 3rd & B was still closed at ten a.m.   So I stood there in the shade of his kiosk, writing writing writing until Tere arrived.  The bright yellow orb blazed in late morning sky, making me think of Onyx City fantasies, reveries, realities, written, frictions and fictions to be.

Being there on that corner took me back to all the time I used to wait for Tere there before she went back to Laredo over a year ago after she lost her job a year after nineeleven.  There is still the big old table of candy and gum standing by the curb, and the cart where the man sells tape cassettes and two shoe shine stands and two newspaper stands and a juice table and the lady selling nopales nopales and the blind beggar in a wheel chair and the beggar with no legs in a wheel chair and the man with his bottles of honey fresh from the rancho somewhere in the hills and my grandfather was also a beekeeper and had his little ranch out in the hills and and and being there scribbling took me by the brain and sent me back and then brought me forward while I waited, waited, waited....

A lady walked by with a tray full of sweet gelatine treats balanced on her head...

The fleets of beige and gold Otay taxis swept around the corner, one wave after another after another.  The huge blue and white busses crawled by roaring and belching diesel smoke.  The pedestrians swarmed across every minute or two as the lights all turned red and the little white men on the signal said now everyone can walk every which-way....

The one big change since she left is the explosion of TAXI LIBRE metered taxis that go everywhere now they began the month after Tere left and now there are 1200 of them, one driver told me when I asked later and and and the shoeshine man came to open his stand and I had to move away so I moved over into the shade of the one tree that is there or is there another?  Ah, my dear reader, is there still a tree there in your world?  Are there any trees at all where you are in the future, or have we killed them all before you?  Did you move to Venus after all the water poured down there and the Earth dried up just like Mars once did to give us life and water, yes, water....

and then she got there.  Then she got here, yes....

había una guerra entre jefes narcotraficantes
allá en Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas

hirieron a uno

las autoridades le pusieron en hospital

cerraron todas las calles
que tenían aceso al hospital

y pusieron de guardia
camiones con soldados

a lo largo de la avenida Guerrero
habían dos soldados en cada esquina
cada uno con su cuerno de chivo en la mano

todo eso pasó hace un año

esa lucha por dominar de esa territorio

no les importan llevarse
entre los muertos
          a gente inocente

there was a war between narcotraffic bosses
there in Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas

they wounded one

the authorities put him in the hospital

they closed all the streets
that led to the hospital

and put trucks with
soldiers on guard

all along Guerrero avenue
there were two soldiers on every corner
ever one with his "ram's horn" (AK-47) in his hand

this all happened a year ago

that struggle to dominate that territory

they did not care whether they
carried away innocent people
among the dead

spanish by Tere.Sa.To.
english translation by Danl.Ch.To

yeah she got there. we went to eat breakfast. they charged us extra for our extra cups of instant coffee. ooops. spent almost two hours just sitting, talking, eating and then drinking that extra coffee.

we went over to my place and talked with Ramón about renting another apartment.

He recommended we go over across the park to the other side and talk with his friend Carlos. Supposedly he and his brother have a couple vacancies in his building, upstairs above doctors offices.

We also want to look nearby the nopal.

Eventually we made our way down to CECUT and saw the Larva art show and visited with Tere T. upstairs in her little office and

then went for tacos. sat around slowly eating tacos in one of the tastier spots to have a taco, on Sanchez Taboada by the corner of eighth... but with the cost of meat skyrocketing, the price of tacos has zoomed from ten to twelve pesos almost overnight... and the peso has fallen, to, to eleven to the dollar, so....

but these are good, full tacos, not your little cheap one-bite wonders you can sometimes find at twoforadollar dingaling ring the taco bell din don din dan

and we made our way back into downtown in one of the route taxis that runs along Sanchez and then up along seventh to loop back to sixth and Constitution, and you know what, I realized, right there on the sidewalk, that we were right smack dab in front of gringo David's current favorite watering hole, and well, I looked in and there he was and so I dragged poor Tere in who I am sure was thinking what kind of a place is my little writer maybe lover draggging me into now?

But then we settled in and spent a veryyyyy pleasant hour sipping brews mmmm Bohemia Tere's favorite and chatting with David and it had been a long time since I've seen him and well that was rather pleasant too for me

You have to get together with my wife Rocio, David said, and so we have a date to eat Argentine steaks and drink Chilean wine next weekend....

AND THEN TODAY we ate breakfast near the park by 3rd & G 
and then walked over to see the tomb of Juan Soldado 
and then back over to Carlos' place to see the 
                          apartment he has available 
and then up the hill to the Casa de la Cultura 

stopping first at a delicious smelling bakery 
                              on the corner of 4th & H
then we climbed up 
      the steep old 
the end of Fourth Street
                    just there, up past the house of Javier Batiz 
                  who still rocks Tijuana alive 
                           and kicking (more than Santana does 
                                     except for a flying visit 
                                              once once upon a big time) 

             up past the canyon where 
             the zebra-painted burros 
             now go sleep every night

and then to the right around the big old 
                       school building that is now
the Casa de la Cultura

went in
looked at a few 
photos and paintings

sat in the cafe and drank coffee and ate our sweet rolls
  pan dulce carried up from the bakery below and finally 
        then back down the big old stair case all ruined 
        and smelling of urine 
  where you can look out over
  the sprawling flat piece of downtown
                             toward the river
and the hills of Libertad and Otay beyond and
        all the city spreading and stretching
            jammed up against the border line
 and so
  just like
   that the mass
    of buildings, streets,
     everything reaching out into the vast distance
         of all this California border where Mexico 
            smashes into the land it once conquered
                                    for  S p a n i s h

and then


            right over there
                       lost world of Pete Wilson
                       d  i  n  o  s  a  u  r  s

and Arnold Schwartzenegger groper-toothed cats
      however you spell it

      and the hills of San Diego 
  where Mikey and I grew up believing in the
bloody dreams of empire, liberty, freedom and the superman way

       o h    y e s
swallowed it all
hasta god Hollywood Marilyn
Monroe doctrine to conquer the new world

may Jesus forgive me


 um where was I?

oh yes

   Tere and I stood there staring at the city
and then
                          down into the canyon 
             where the zebra-burros "zeburros" 
             go to sleep at night 
                - we saw two burros being led home up 4th
                         into the canyon - 

           as we came back from the staircase toward the park 

     and then we walked around the park
          watched the sunset all  golden orange yellow
               fading into  salmon  coral 
                      then  into  charcoal grey

        painting with light and water 
on the fluffy clouds hanging over the hills around

this west end of downtown Tijuana

and went into the library for a few minutes and then went to eat chinese around the corner next door to the billiard hall and then back to my place where we sat and read a couple of my poems and then some of Aurely Monroy (spelling????) and Elizabeth Cazessus and

finally walked over through downtown to where Tere got her taxi to farther Otay más allá and on the way she stopped into a bakery panederia where she used to know the owner and the owner's sister was there and said oh here, use my phone to call my sister and squeals of recognition echoed through the cellphone service on the border and the raptor bot AI was pleased because I remembered him/her outside, smoking a cigarette on the sidewalk and wondering if it/they know knows knew shall know that we


and there

and now it is late and I am struggling just to catch up with my diary

but it is hopeless I could never get down all the things I wrote on the trolley home two nights ago or scribbled on the corner waiting yesterday morning and

well them's the breaks I guess

so okie dokie bye

tomorrow we're going to see my mother and father

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copyright 2004 daniel charles thomas